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Geopathic Stress Harmonization

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Geopathic Stress

Harmonization of “Geopathic Stress” in your Vaastu by Param Shakti Healing:


Ajay Ashtekar uses frequency based Advanced Digital Scanner for finding & harmonizing Geopathic stress in your Vaastu, thereby making the Vaastu Positive. According to Ajay Ashtekar no Vaastu work is effective, unless and until the Geopathic Stress is harmonized or neutralized. Taking care of Geopathic Stress is the most essential key to a positive Vaastu.

Therefore, Geopathic Stress harmonization forms the core of doing Vaastu remedial work. Ajay Ashtekar, with his scientific background is an expert in harmonization of Geopathic Stress. Harmonizing Geopathic Stress has not only helped many clients for their various everyday problems but also helped in overall wellness for the sick or ill persons staying in that Vaastu.

No Vaastu work can be said to be complete if the Geopathic Stress has not been cleared. For all the Vaastu work done by Ajay Ashtekar, harmonization of Geopathic Stress in the Vaastu using advanced remedies has been done mandatorily. First step in any Vaastu remedial work is to harmonize the Geopathic Stress in that Vaastu.

 What is Geopathic Stress? – A brief explanation:

The natural frequency of our planet earth is 7.83 Hz also called a Schumann Resonance. Humans require to live in this frequency for being healthy, efficient and happy. But this natural frequency is disturbed in many places. This disturbance is not limited to a particular area or location. Geopathic Stress is found virtually all over the world.

Geopathic Stress is a high frequency coming out of the earth at some points. This frequency is harmful to humans in many ways. The healthy frequency of 7.83 Hz goes up to as high as 250 Hz. This high frequency coming out of the earth is called as Geopathic Stress and is dangerous for humans. As it comes out from the earth, it throws a field of negative aura around that point or line. The negative aura field could be as large as 5 meters radius. Person sitting or sleeping on these negative Geopathic fields suffer from various issues listed in this document below.

As the beneficial electromagnetic frequency of the earth comes from the earth’s core, it hits the metal ores, minerals and water deposits in the crust. The beneficial frequency therefore, gets disturbed and comes out as a higher frequency. This higher frequency (Geopathic Stress) is harmful and dangerous for humans as well as for certain animals and plants. The word “Geo” means earth. The word “pathos” means the “power to produce feeling of sadness or pity or diseases and sickness”. So, Geopathic Stress means “stress” (tension, worry and bodily strain) caused by sickness due to earth’s disturbed frequency.

As the Geopathic Stress lines and points are scattered all around the earth, it is very common to find Geopathic Stress in almost all Vaastu. This high frequency Geopathic Stress radiation emerges from the earth and cuts through the Vaastu – even high rise towers. The important fact is that Geopathic Stress frequency is not sensed by us. Unlike an electrical energy which gives shock, Geopathic Stress goes undetected but acts silently and adversely. However, the bad effects of Geopathic Stress get manifested in the people who stay, sit and work in that area or field of negative energy for longer durations. Geopathic Stress is harmful for humans, some pets and plants.

Sometimes Geopathic Stress fields criss-cross over each other and form a grid. The interception point of these lines is called as Geopathic Stress “Node”. These nodal points are sometimes extremely powerful and emit a large negative aura.

These negative energy fields are harmful and can cause several problems for the residents in that Vaastu. Geopathic Stress has been found to be the common factor in many serious and long-term illnesses as well as psychological disturbances, lack of concentration in studies etc. A Vaastu which has high Geopathic stress can lead to several problems. The list of issues caused by Geopathic Stress is long. Only some of the ill effects of Geopathic Stress are listed below:
Therefore, harmonizing Geopathic Stress in your Vaastu is extremely important aspect of our Vaastu remedies. This is the most recommended solution for addressing your existing problems and also to prevent or minimize unforeseen problems in the near future – a great way for overall wellness, happiness and progress for your entire family or business.
Ajay Ashtekar, a Scientist and Vaastu Geoprofessional, has an extensive experience in detecting and neutralizing Geopathic stress as well as other such negative radiations and points in a Vaastu. Any Vaastu solution primarily requires it to be cleared of Geopathic Stress. Usually no Vaastu is naturally completely free of Geopathic stress and other negative radiations. It has to be harmonized using advanced techniques and remedies.
With a long track record of doing work on Geopathic stress and with many satisfied clients, Ajay Ashtekar continues to offer this major solution for Vaastu work and also continues to do more research for finding better ways to help people.
Please note that Geopathic Stress lines or fields may shift or new lines or fields open up, due to seismic activity or major changes in the flow of water beds below the earth’s crust or nearby construction or for some unknown and unexplained reason. Therefore, we suggest that you get your Vaastu checked from us for Geopathic Stress once a year. If it is detected during our visit, we suggest that the new or shifted Geopathic Stress is immediately neutralized using our remedies.

Geopathic Stress

Harmonization of “Geopathic Stress” in your Vaastu by Param Shakti Healing:


Ajay Ashtekar uses frequency based Advanced Digital Scanner for finding & harmonizing Geopathic stress in your Vaastu, thereby making the Vaastu Positive. According to Ajay Ashtekar no Vaastu work is effective, unless and until the Geopathic Stress is harmonized or neutralized. Taking care of Geopathic Stress is the most essential key to a positive Vaastu.

Therefore, Geopathic Stress harmonization forms the core of doing Vaastu remedial work. Ajay Ashtekar, with his scientific background is an expert in harmonization of Geopathic Stress. Harmonizing Geopathic Stress has not only helped many clients for their various everyday problems but also helped in overall wellness for the sick or ill persons staying in that Vaastu.

No Vaastu work can be said to be complete if the Geopathic Stress has not been cleared. For all the Vaastu work done by Ajay Ashtekar, harmonization of Geopathic Stress in the Vaastu using advanced remedies has been done mandatorily. First step in any Vaastu remedial work is to harmonize the Geopathic Stress in that Vaastu.

 What is Geopathic Stress? – A brief explanation:

The natural frequency of our planet earth is 7.83 Hz also called a Schumann Resonance. Humans require to live in this frequency for being healthy, efficient and happy. But this natural frequency is disturbed in many places. This disturbance is not limited to a particular area or location. Geopathic Stress is found virtually all over the world.

Geopathic Stress is a high frequency coming out of the earth at some points. This frequency is harmful to humans in many ways. The healthy frequency of 7.83 Hz goes up to as high as 250 Hz. This high frequency coming out of the earth is called as Geopathic Stress and is dangerous for humans. As it comes out from the earth, it throws a field of negative aura around that point or line. The negative aura field could be as large as 5 meters radius. Person sitting or sleeping on these negative Geopathic fields suffer from various issues listed in this document below.

As the beneficial electromagnetic frequency of the earth comes from the earth’s core, it hits the metal ores, minerals and water deposits in the crust. The beneficial frequency therefore, gets disturbed and comes out as a higher frequency. This higher frequency (Geopathic Stress) is harmful and dangerous for humans as well as for certain animals and plants. The word “Geo” means earth. The word “pathos” means the “power to produce feeling of sadness or pity or diseases and sickness”. So, Geopathic Stress means “stress” (tension, worry and bodily strain) caused by sickness due to earth’s disturbed frequency.

As the Geopathic Stress lines and points are scattered all around the earth, it is very common to find Geopathic Stress in almost all Vaastu. This high frequency Geopathic Stress radiation emerges from the earth and cuts through the Vaastu – even high rise towers. The important fact is that Geopathic Stress frequency is not sensed by us. Unlike an electrical energy which gives shock, Geopathic Stress goes undetected but acts silently and adversely. However, the bad effects of Geopathic Stress get manifested in the people who stay, sit and work in that area or field of negative energy for longer durations. Geopathic Stress is harmful for humans, some pets and plants.

Sometimes Geopathic Stress fields criss-cross over each other and form a grid. The interception point of these lines is called as Geopathic Stress “Node”. These nodal points are sometimes extremely powerful and emit a large negative aura.

These negative energy fields are harmful and can cause several problems for the residents in that Vaastu. Geopathic Stress has been found to be the common factor in many serious and long-term illnesses as well as psychological disturbances, lack of concentration in studies etc. A Vaastu which has high Geopathic stress can lead to several problems. The list of issues caused by Geopathic Stress is long. Only some of the ill effects of Geopathic Stress are listed below:
Therefore, harmonizing Geopathic Stress in your Vaastu is extremely important aspect of our Vaastu remedies. This is the most recommended solution for addressing your existing problems and also to prevent or minimize unforeseen problems in the near future – a great way for overall wellness, happiness and progress for your entire family or business.
Dr. Ajay, a Scientist and Vaastu Geoprofessional, has an extensive experience in detecting and neutralizing Geopathic stress as well as other such negative radiations and points in a Vaastu. Any Vaastu solution primarily requires it to be cleared of Geopathic Stress. Usually no Vaastu is naturally completely free of Geopathic stress and other negative radiations. It has to be harmonized using advanced techniques and remedies.
With a long track record of doing work on Geopathic stress and with many satisfied clients, Ajay Ashtekar continues to offer this major solution for Vaastu work and also continues to do more research for finding better ways to help people.
Please note that Geopathic Stress lines or fields may shift or new lines or fields open up, due to seismic activity or major changes in the flow of water beds below the earth’s crust or nearby construction or for some unknown and unexplained reason. Therefore, we suggest that you get your Vaastu checked from us for Geopathic Stress once a year. If it is detected during our visit, we suggest that the new or shifted Geopathic Stress is immediately neutralized using our remedies.

